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19 Things I learned by 19

1.Live a little

Take chances, say yes to more things

2. Know when to say no

However, get priorities straight. If you have bills to pay don't go shopping. If you have homework don't go out that night.

3. Stay organized

Life, School, Work

4.Eat before you drink

Seriously, throwing up is not fun (or a good look)

5. call out people on their bs

Don't be a doormat, you deserve better

6. take school seriously

Study hard, it will benefit you later in life.

7.Learn how to schedule yourself

Give everyone and everything the actual time deserved

8. Let go of negative people

No, no no. You don't need the stress

9. Don't let stupid boys get you down

Girl, do not be the girl your friends roll their eyes at when you"r crying about the 5th guy that was "the one"

10. Take care of your skin

Your future self will thank you

11. Start establishing healthy habits

Work out, eat kale, feel good

12. Learn how to laugh at yourself

Everyone makes mistakes, and if your me maybe a lot, so why not laugh

13. Shoot for the stars

Don't let a dream just be a dream

14. Start a savings and retirement account

I took a business class who showed me a graph of someone at 18 and 25 who started accounts. Who doesn't like $

15. Budget

Like I said above ^ Who doesn't like $

16. Invest in good clothing

Sometimes all you need in life is a good pair of jeans and a killer pair of shoes. Invest in key pieces, not trends.

17. Be confident

Work it. Strut it. Smize

18. Work from the inside out

Work on your insecurities, beliefs, and morals first. People appreciate a good person rather than a pretty one.

19. Make every year your best year

Set goals for yourself. Be a better you

Thats all I've got! As you get older, you learn new things, and are more wise than before. I am excited for my year of 19. I'm hoping for a lot of change, happiness, and opportunities. If you like this list let me know in the comments. Don't forget to follow me on social media! Until next time!

With Love- Sydney

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