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Fun in the Sun

Hey ya'll I'm so happy to be writing and back on the blog today! Last Sudnay I left for my cruise which me and my mom.We have been planning this for over a year and a half. (Trust us we know thats a long a** time) It was without a doubt the most amazing trip I have ever taken mostly becasue I had my best friend by my side! But just like anything else in life, nothing is ever perfect. So today I thought I would give you 5 tips on how to make the most out of your next summer vaction:)

TIP # 1: Now this tip is more for my fashion people who love a good instagram worthy vacation (don't we all) Plan your outfits! I honestly packed way too much stuff and didn't even end up wearing half of it just because I was sitting there clueless on what to pair with everything. I really suggest either the night or 2 before lay out everything from your closet that you plan on bringing and try it all on. If you have even the slightest twinge of uncertainty leave it behind. This will not only have your vacation wardrobe up to par but it will also leave a lot more room in your suitcase ( for all the stuff you'll be buying while your on vacay)

TIP # 2: I'm aware that most people will have wifi and electronics handy and by their side but going on a cruise doesn't leave you much of an option. However I really enjoyed not being able to use my phone it gave me a sense of serentiy and kind of felt like reality didn't exist. But for all of my friends going to resorts or different states I challenge you to turn off your phone (you might be suprised at what you'll experience) However, I got really and I mean really bored. So tip # 2, bring a book, magazine, coloring book, etc... I really wish I would've stopped by my book store before leaving cause while lying out in the sun it would've stopped my complusions to jump off the ship in those stir crazy moments.

TIP # 3: Take lots of photos! This blog post was acctually supposed to be all about what I wore on vacation but I did not nearly have enough photos to do one:( I think becasue of the society we live in and the constant pressure being put on us to look perfect all the time really can take a toll on our mental state. And I know for a fact that most people will look at their photos and go on a deleting rampage untill they find the perfect one that'll get the most likes (I'm guilty of this too) So instead of just keeping the great bikini bod shots keep the double chin, big smile, genuinely happy photos that your friends and family will love to see ( and aren't their opinions the only ones that matter)

TIP # 4: Now this one is very important ( I think me and my mom can agree) Protect your skin! I haven't met one person who doesn't love their light hair and tan skin in the summer (me being this kind of person myself) I didn't bother too much with the sunscreen. Well I'm happy to inform you yes I'm tan, BUT I also look like a freaking zombie with a massive sunburn and peeling action going on right around my chest (cute right) NOTTTTT so please friends do take my advice and put some freaking sunscreen on.

TIP # 5: I have to give this tip to my mom who honeslty took me by surprise. Do everything and anything! We had an amazing time and all of that had to do with facing our fears and letting loose. We did everything from rock climbing, ice skating, jumping into the ocean, and swimming with dolphins. Let your fears go and have fun! Make a fool of yourself, laugh often, and make the most of it (it is vacation after all!)

So there we go all my tips that I got for ya'll! I'm so excited to be posting more and on here and I have more fun posts planned! Leave a comment and lets have a chat what are ya'lls plans for summer? Follow me on my social media and subscribe to my mailing list below!

With Love- Sydney

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