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My Awakening

Hey ya'll! So happy to see you back on the blog today. Now we're getting a little personal. I initially wanted my blog to be very happy and lighthearted but sometimes sh** happens. In the past 4 days, I have never learned more about myself and my choices that I make in my life. I made a promise to myself when I started the blog to be authentic and force myself to become the best version of myself. I want to start off with by saying this, my post, blog, and experiences are solely about me. I never want anyone to think that my blog is a place for negativity and unwanted attention. This is a safe place for me to face my fears , better myself, and set goals to achieve my dream life. I want people who truly care about me to read and learn from my mistakes, lessons, and experiences. My inner self and conscience went through a whirlwind of emotions and my soul, mind, and body decided to cut all the toxicity out of my life. I've decided to officially drop everything and anyone who cause me pain, insecurity, or self doubt.

I am so grateful for the good people in my life who help me in my journey. I care for these people so much and I really don't think they know how much I think and pray over them. However, I am also grateful for the real shi*** people in my life. (I know what you're thinking, Sydney how could you like people who treated you badly in life) Both kinds of people take a form of significance in our lives. They are there to teach lessons, which will effect you as a person. These bad people in my life have forced me to better myself and take life by the horns and truly focus on the best version of me. Now, while thats great (there is always a catch) if lessons are never learned they are bad habits. Bad habits don't do anything for the growth of you as a person. Take the time to figure out who or what is your bad habits and LET IT GO!!!!! I've been blessed to have certain people in my life who are amazing, spiritual, beings in my life. I hope any of you would feel comfortable enough to talk to me about toxicity. I would be more than happy to discuss, chat, or listen to your stories. (seriously this would make me so happy) In the end, it's all a lesson to better yourself and life. You only get one shot might as well make it the best you can.

People, things, activities, it's important to not let yourself get caught up in it all. I challenge you to release bad people in your life (and yes, you know who you need to let go of) or quit one bad habit. Maybe it's gossiping, putting yourself down, or negativity. Why treat yourself badly or let someone treat you like that. You're an amazing person and only deserve the best. I wanted to end this post by saying how grateful I am for my amazing friends and family for allowing me to grow and protecting me from pain, hurt, and insecurity. Treat yourself as one of your loved ones because in the end you are loved. I suggest also taking accounts of teachings and lessons to better yourself. There are plenty of books, podcasts, and videos to help better your mind. (Maybe another blog post will be about some of my faves) I will keep you updated on how cutting the toxic out of my life. I challenge you to do the same.

With Love- Sydney

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